Our friends at The Nest Early Learning Center had the best morning. Their "carnival" themed celebration was enjoyed by all! To check out more pictures, visit tinyurl.com/WCPSPhotoShare #WeAreWorcester
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
Nest Carnival
Nest Carnival
Nest Carnival
Nest Carnival
Nest Carnival
This morning, Snow Hill area schools celebrated SHHS and CCSS #Classof2024 with a senior walk! To check out more pictures, visit tinyurl.com/WCPSPhotoShare #WeAreWorcester
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
CCSS Graduates
SHHS Grads with Elementary Student
SHMS and SHHS Student Hugging
SHHS graduate with teacher
SHHS Grads
ICYMI: Pocomoke High School seniors celebrated in a big way at yesterday's Intent Night! Students signed their intent to pursue college/career/military/training beyond high school alongside the person who they chose as their "One," who supported them along their journey. The complete photo album is now live on our WCPS Photo Share: http://tinyurl.com/WCPSPhotoShare #WeAreWorcester #CongratsGrads #ClassOf2024
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
Senior with their "One"
Senior with their "One"
Senior with their "One"
Senior with their "One"
Senior shows EMS shirt under graduation gown
It's Mental Health Awareness Month. If you have a family member with a mental health condition and are looking for support, please visit nami.org/mham for resources and programs of support. Let's break the stigma together! #TakeAMentalHealthMoment #MentalHealthMonth
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
A beautiful night of celebration for Pocomoke High School's #ClassOf2024! Check back with us tomorrow for the full album of Intent Night ceremony photos. #WeAreWorcester #CongratsGrads
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
senior celebration with their chosen “one"
senior celebration with their chosen “one”
senior celebration with their chosen “one”
senior celebration with their chosen “one”
senior celebration with their chosen “one”
Congratulations to Stephen Decatur Middle School & WCPS 2024 Teacher of the Year Gabrielle Remington, who was honored this morning alongside the entire cohort of Maryland's Teachers of the Year by the MSDE Board of Education! If you'd like to view the recognition, view the livestream at https://tinyurl.com/24TOYRecognition. #WeAreWorcester #WCPSTOY2024
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
MSDE Recognition
MSDE Recognition
Is your WCPS high school student interested in venue production, stage sound and lighting engineering, backstage production, or videography? Check out this FREE opportunity to see a great concert AND participate in the production of the performance! Simply register with the QR code on the flyer!!! Spots are limited, so register soon!
9 months ago, Tamara Mills
Worcester County Public Schools will open one-hour late today, Tuesday, May 21, 2024, due to foggy conditions. Buses will operate accordingly. All school programs will begin following the one-hour delay.
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
What a perfect evening for Snow Hill High's Senior Car Parade! #ClassOf2024 #WeAreWorcester
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
SH car parade
SH car parade
SH car parade
SH car parade
SH car parade
It's Mental Health Awareness Month, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has a ton of resources and programs designed to help families. Let's break the stigma together! nami.org/mham #TakeAMentalHealthMoment #MentalHealthMonth
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
Congratulations to all the WCPS high school students who entered and placed in the United Way Addiction Awareness Art Contest! Great exhibit at Sby Art Space. 3rd-Maggie Harris-Blackburn (SHHS), 2nd-Alexia Shepherd (PHS), 1st-Ella Schlosser (SHHS). Also amazing work from Daisy (SHHS) and Ella (PHS)! #RecoveryIsPossible #WorcesterGoesPurple
9 months ago, Tamara Mills
Ella m
Let the celebrations for the graduating class of 2024 begin! Tonight, we kicked it off with Pocomoke High's Senior Car Parade. #WeAreWorcester
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
senior decorating car
seniors drumming
seniors smiling
phs car parade
senior car parade
Snow Hill Elementary students are having a big time during the Big Draw today! #WeAreWorcester
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
students dancing
students doing yoga
students with clay donuts
student drumming
students drumming
A big congrats to the wonderful scholars honored last night at Pocomoke High School's WeXL Banquet! Visit the following link to view more pictures: https://tinyurl.com/24PHSWeXL #WeAreWorcester
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
Mr. Taylor and Student
Mr. Buchanan and Student
Dr. Rayne and WeXL Honoree
Dr. Rayne and WeXL Honoree
The best learning opportunities for leaders come from our students. Thank you to Buckingham's All Stars for showcasing your talents and learning with us today! -LT #WeAreWorcester #LeadTogetherLearnTogether
9 months ago, Lou Taylor
living museum walk
living museum walk
living museum walk
living museum walk
presentation on afterschool all stars program
Did you know it's Mental Health Awareness Month? Here's a fast fact: 1 in 6 US youth experience a mental health condition each year. Let's break the stigma together! nami.org/mham #TakeAMentalHealthMoment #MentalHealthMonth
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
Pocomoke High School’s WeXL banquet has begun! Congratulations to the 200+ students who are being honored tonight for their academic achievements.
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
Always Anonymous, Always Available. There are many ways you can submit an anonymous tip to Safe Schools Maryland. Save this phone number and/or download the app to keep this information readily available. #WeAreWorcester #PartnershipsInAction
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
safeschools md
Teachers within our esteemed Apple Vanguard cohort engaged in an extensive day of professional development hosted at Worcester Technical High School.#WeAreWorcester
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
Professional Development
An electric morning as WCPS teachers and instructional staff kicked off a full-day of Conscious Discipline training with an impactful keynote from DJ Batiste and Donna Porter. #LearnTogetherLeadTogether #WeAreWorcester
9 months ago, Worcester County Public Schools
DJ Batiste
Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speakers
Q&A following Keynote