
Worcester County Public Schools is committed to offering a comprehensive science education that prepares students for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. Our science curriculum is aligned with Maryland’s Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). These standards guide us in preparing students for a lifetime of informed citizenship, workforce readiness, and a deeper understanding of the natural world. Through our curriculum, we aim to foster not only a deep understanding of scientific principles but also the skills needed for critical inquiry and problem-solving.

The NGSS is a set of ambitious, research-based standards that inform our approach to science education from kindergarten through high school. The NGSS are designed to articulate and build from grade to grade, ensuring a cohesive and spiraled learning experience. Beginning in elementary school, students are introduced to basic concepts and practices that become increasingly complex as they progress through middle and high school. This ensures that as students move through the grades, they are continually expanding on their knowledge and skills in a meaningful way.

image of two elementary students standing next to tray with sand wearing lab safety goggles

Middle school students around a stream table pouring water on sand.

The NGSS integrate three dimensions of science learning:

Crosscutting Concepts- These are overarching themes like patterns, cause and effect, and systems thinking that recur across all scientific disciplines. They serve as a lens through which students can explore the interconnections between disciplines, and help students relate what they learn in science to what they see in the world around them.

Science and Engineering Practices- These practices empower students to do science rather than just learn about it. The practices, such as asking questions, developing models, or interpreting data, are the skills that scientists and engineers use daily. They are integral to understanding and performing science and engineering.

Disciplinary Core Ideas- These are the fundamental ideas in life science, physical science, earth and space science, and engineering, technology, and applications of science. They provide the substantive framework on which students can build a coherent and scientifically based view of the world.

Together, these three dimensions create a 3D framework for K-12 science instruction and fostering a more robust understanding of science.

Maryland Integrated Science Assessment

The Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA) is Maryland's NGSS-aligned standardized science assessment. This assessment is administered to all students in fifth grade, eighth grade, and high school biology. For more information, visit the Maryland Integrated Science Assessment page on MSDE's website.

Additional Resources

student using magnifying glass to look at leaf

Two students working with a ramp in science classroom..

image of student wearing safety googles recording data in science class

Jennifer Sills

Coordinator of Instruction

Phone: 410-632-5044
