The safety and well-being of all students, staff, and visitors is the highest priority of Worcester County Public Schools. Through a partnership with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, we are proud to acknowledge that we have a School Resource Deputy assigned to every one of our 13 campuses. These deputies are a critical component of providing school safety and adequate law enforcement coverage within our schools. 

School Resource Deputies are sworn law enforcement personnel who have attended the Maryland Model School Resource Officer Training program approved by the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commission. Their focus is safety, emergency preparedness, crisis management, community policing concepts, mentorship, and problem-solving. These specially trained deputies are integrated into the daily school operations and have strong relationships with the respective school teams. School Resource Deputies are not used to enforce school policies, rules, regulations, and/or procedures but can assist when appropriate.  

We also have strong partnerships with the Berlin Police Department, Maryland State Police, Ocean City Police Department, Ocean Pines Police Department, Pocomoke City Police Department, Snow Hill Police Department, and the Worcester County Fire Marshal’s Office. 

Anyone with questions regarding School Safety should contact Mr. Shawn M. Goddard, Coordinator of School Safety and Security at 410-632-5074. Anyone with questions regarding the School Resource Deputy Program should contact the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office at 410-632-1111. 

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